About Us
Apprenticeship Scheme

Wakefield Engineering firm Investments in Apprenticeship Academy
Training our staff to the highest of standards is something we take very seriously at CEM Engineering. As supplier to some of the world’s leading oil, gas, petrochemical and engineering corporations, we recognise the need to establish a highly skilled and versatile workforce; one that we can rely on to help us deliver our products on time and correct to customer specifications.
This motivated our management team to develop an in-house Apprenticeship Academy. To facilitate this; we collaborated with a local training provider to help us deliver high standard, certified engineering apprenticeships. To back this initiative, we have employed a dedicated training mentor and made a major investment in machinery and equipment. CEM has subsequently devised an excellent training centre; delivering approved quality instruction to the next generation of skilled engineers. Our Apprenticeship Academy means we continue to build a highly competent workforce, familiar with our type of manufacturing and capable of producing quality work over a wide range of engineering skills. We are proactive in identifying those apprentices who demonstrate potential for progression within the company; something we are keen to encourage and a strategy which helps us retain our best staff.
Here at CEM we are continuing a successful and proud history of training our apprentices to a high level. We have previously produced two winners of apprentice of the year, with one trainee simultaneously achieving student of the year.